Thursday, January 2, 2014

KT Did It: New Year!

Greetings and HAPPY NEW YEAR!

2013 was definitely an eventful year! Here's a couple of memorable moments/milestones of the past year:

1. I finished another whole year of PA school with seven months left to go!
2. I ran two 5k races!
3. I started this awesome blog!
4. I spent one whole year of marriage with my husband and best friend, Eric. Yay!

Seeing as this year was full of good times (and of course the downs as well), I was definitely looking forward to celebrating New Years Eve with my family in order to bring in the new year with some of our favorite traditions...and a few new things too!

To start off, I decided that I wanted to make a banner to hang in the kitchen by my mom's New Years Eve buffet - and when I say buffet, I mean a true smorgasbord of her best num-nums that have become famous among family and friends (e.g. Captain Crunch Chicken, tuna dip with Fritos scoops, beans and weenies, BBQ beef dip, etc). My little sister and I agreed that a classy black, champagne and gold theme would be nice so I used those colors and found lace scrapbook paper to make our banner. And here it is!

Once we put up our banner, we set the table with all the munchies and made a wine cooler. First, we put one bag of frozen mixed berries in the pitcher, followed by 1/2 of a 2 liter of Fresca and finally one bottle of white wine. 
Once the wine cooler was made, we set out on a true family tradition: confetti filled balloons. Every new years eve for as long as I can remember, we have all sat down together filling clear balloons with confetti which we then inflate, hang on a string and wait for the ball to drop at midnight when we scream "Happy New Year" and pop all the balloons! Yeah, it's a blast. 
Yes, we played our board games, drank wine coolers and brought in the New Year with a bang! Here's my mom and I, and her super cute pup, Lizzy, all ready to celebrate not only the new year, but also my mom's birthday which was on January 1! 

And now that the New Year has started, I'm happy to reflect on the past year and look forward to all of the did-its that I am planning to do this year! From crafting and fitness to GRADUATION and (finally) working as a healthcare provider, 2014 is going to be a big year for me. 

Thank you all for visiting my blog in 2013, and I hope that you will be back for a whole new year of did-its in 2014!


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