The first things that I made was a yarn wreath. These are all over my Pinterest feed, and they really are lovely. I used left over yarn that I've had from three Christmas' ago when I made a pair of fingerless gloves. I wrapped the yarn tightly around the wreath, reinforcing with hot glue occasionally along the way.
Next, I made flowers out of felt in various autumn colors (brown, tan, red, orange and yellow).
Finally, I used satin ribbon to hang the wreath on the front door!
Lucky for me I still had some leftover yarn. I decided to make a letter B out of cardboard, similar to the number 1 that I made for my daughter's birthday. I used cardboard from a box of diapers and then I took the cardboard inside of a few toilet paper rolls to put between the two sides to make the B three dimensional (my husband has not realized that there are missing parts of those toilet paper rolls yet!). I wrapped the B with yarn and decorated it with a few artificial leaves, then set it on the book shelf in our living room.
Last, but not least, I used water color and ballpoint black ink pen to make a little festive artwork to put on the book shelf.